Youth Clinic Registration

Lancaster Inferno 2024 Winter Clinic girls soccer professional soccer college players skills Spooky Nook Lanco

2024 Winter Clinic

Ages: Girls 7-16 years old

Date: Friday, December 27, 2024

Location: Spooky Nook LANCO (1901 Miller Rd, East Petersburg, PA 17520). The clinic will be indoors on turf.

What to Wear: Cleats or Turf Shoes and Shin Guards

What to Bring: Water Bottle and Ball. Don’t forget to bring an item to get autographed – there will also be Inferno branded items available for purchase.

Check-In: 8:30–8:50AM

Time: 9:00AM–NOON

All players attending the clinic will get an Inferno sticker!

Cost: $80 – Open to players regardless of club affiliation / $70 for Lancaster Inferno FC players

Please fill out the form below to register. (All fields are required unless stated otherwise.)

Payment is required to complete your registration.

*Do you currently play for Lancaster Inferno FC?

List any current medical issues

Any Additional Comments

I do hereby assume full responsibility for any and all damages, injuries (including death), or losses that I may sustain or incur, if any, while attending, engaging, practicing, participating or witnessing activity and/or certain event(s) occurring in or about the premises or at any offsite location. I hereby assume full risk, waive all claims and release and hold Inferno Soccer Corp., individually or otherwise, harmless for any and all liability, claims, suits, damages, expenses, fees, actions, or rights of action or judgments as a result of injury or death to myself or members of my family or heirs, or my guests, or damage, destruction or loss to my property, which in any way relates to, arises out of, or is in any way connected with my presence on the premises, or my participation in events of activities thereon, or the negligent acts or omissions of the releases or any other third party.

I agree to wear all protective equipment required while participating in the activity, and I am fully aware and understand that Inferno Soccer Corp. does not have on or about the premises, or employ or contract with any medical services, provisions for ordinary or emergency medical services.

In consideration of my participation in and the use of the Inferno Soccer Corp. premises or facilities, I hereby release and covenant not to sue the owner of the premises (releases), shareholders, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, affiliates and lessees from any and all claims resulting from any physical injury that may occur to me while participating in any program or event sponsored by Inferno Soccer Corp.

Inferno Soccer Corp. has my permission to use my or my child’s photograph and/or video image(s) publicly. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media for promotional purposes, and may also be broadcast during live streaming of matches and halftime activities. I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.


Inferno Soccer Corp. is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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